Heart, Soul and Mind


What good is a heart
With no chamber of love,
Or heaven, in fact,
Without God above.

How worthy is a soul
That has not in it
The spark that ignites
A warm, kindly spirit.

How sound is the mind
That reasons not well,
Confined in a vacuum
Within its own shell.

All three, undoubtedly —
Heart, Soul and Mind —
Can get us ahead,
Or leave us behind.

Highways Of My Mind


I’m on a dream bus cruising

Through highways of my mind —

Highways of my choosing,

Clearly well-defined,

Where scenes are so inviting,

Refreshing as I travel,

With feeling so exciting,

As mysteries unravel!

Together with my kindred souls,

I find much comfort musing;

Worthy sights my mind extols,

Thank Heaven, I’m not losing!

Oh, like me there are many that

Take in sights appealing,

Traveling mentally right through

Highways of good feeling;

Where good fortune ever greets,

There certainly I’ll be

Exactly where fulfillment meets

With stark reality.